Primary Research on the concept
When thinking about the idea of looking into the big conversation that’s current to this generation of ‘every human seeks acceptance” I realised that this could have multiple meaning to different people and it may also result in people having different opinions on the debate, whether they think the statement is right or wrong or if they think the idea of it happening is right or wrong, this is something I wanted to explore so here are some profiles of some individuals I asked to answer my question...
What do you think’ every human seeks acceptance” means and how would you respond to the matter?
After asking people of all ages, from different background and different interest i found a common theme. everyone believe that the younger generation were being the most influenced, however that wasn't the only response, adults were also being influenced by the growing need for acceptance using online social media, for example parents posting selfies and constant rants on facebook for everyone to see and strike conversation and debate. although the younger generation are a common theme, there not the only ones being influenced.
here are the responses i got...