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Disconnection With social Media


The idea of social media originally was about connecting the world internationally, being able to connect with people you may have lost touch with or don’t see too often, and also meet new people through connections both business and pleasure. However the real truth is, how connected are we?

It seems since the launch of Facebook in 2009, the sites growing interest in people being able to share more and more, after all the more people are willing to share the more money the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is able to make, making this society we live in now more lucrative than ever. However the fact that talking face to face has now turned to an online chat more often than not and dating becoming more of a virtual experience, we are now becoming more isolated than ever. We sit in a room full of people on our phones, this isn’t social this is disconnecting us from the people we see most days.

“Zuckerberg may seem like an over-sharer in the age of over-sharing. But that’s kind of the point. Zuckerberg’s business model depends on our shifting notions of privacy, revelation, and sheer

self-display. The more that people are willing to put online, the more money his site can make from advertisers. Happily for him, and the prospects of his eventual fortune, his business interests align perfectly with his personal philosophy. In the bio section of his page, Zuckerberg writes simply, “I’m trying to make the world a more open place.”

This quote from the article of Mark Zuckerberg opens up, demonstrates to me exactly what is happening with the world, we may be opening up on social media but its closing us down in reality.

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