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EHSA poster development

As ‘Struggler’ was the first poster I created, I used the image to experiment and develop an aesthetic that I liked and thought gave a good campaign style for what I needed.

First I started by looking at the photos I had took experimenting with different angles and looks, with these I experimented with text layout and font. Initially I found the font choice a tricky thing to pin down, the fonts just didn’t seem to look right to me, and then I thought about my audience and who was going to be reading this. I am aiming the posters at high school kids therefore I want the fonts to e appropriate to them, I found a font that I really liked called cafe&Brewey, the bold type made an effective font for the banner because its not to serious or too childish.

I knew initially that I didn’t want the poster to contain too much text, it would make younger children ignore it, however I wanted the same title on every human seeks acceptance on each and the quote they are saying to represent who they are. I added a simple logo at the bottom on the banner to make the campaign have a organization behind it ad I think the logo works well.

After I found the photo was most influenced by, I stared looking at different ways to layout the poster, including removing the banner, placing the logo in different places an setting the text in different formats. I found one I liked and experimented with different colours; I found that I liked the blue one and started to create the others from this layout and house style.

After doing more of these posters, I liked some of the images I had used but I found the way I had composed them bland and emotionless. I think that if I am going to show these to 12-16 year olds I have to have the posters brighter, more colourful and in you face, the black and white can be dreary and bland.

The posters themselves do exactly what I want the to do, they promote the different characters but maybe in a too obvious way I need to think more in the head of a younger teen and think about what they would be like as this character. I still want the originations logo on these because these are still going to be campaign posters, but with a bit more creativity and imagination. The text is just straight across the images and doesn’t incorporate itself, there are many improvements that can be made and my idea now is to experiment creatively and visually to see what types of poster I can create.

I have to remember that although this is based around a bullying campaign it’s not like a regular one, it’s about learning to accept yourself and other to prevent the notion of bullying. So I will focus on that art incorporating ‘ every human sees acceptance’ into all posters in some way.

I don’t know how I plan to do this yet but I want to look at some more art direction to get me in the right place.

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