Claims to expanded practices
Design wants to own all design and animation wants all that belongs to animation Susan Bucheme general theme of conference... comments on how cinema 'spills out' into the world and that design is embedded in everything.
Animation is spilled out of a screen and onto hand held devices, bus stops, billboards etc.. We could as what is graphic deign for? The answer is that its transformed and become broader The idea that a post modern aesthetic came about for a brief moment in early 90's then become one of many styles we have moved beyond. Its interesting that you can make a case that aesthetically there was a postmodern style but what enabled that style was the technological innovations, enabling a post modern culture. Its not the images that have a strong post modern event but the conditions under which they are produced and design production. The day to day life of designers are a post modern one, its about mass connectivity resulting in ever expanding practice in both graphic design and animation we get the notions of the disciplines spilling out of their boundaries and finding more completed positions to grasp within our culture. We get ourselves into the fabric of culture, they are our mode of life, we see all types of aesthetics coming and changing but the real radical change is the transformation of the modes of how we work resulting in mass fragmentation. The consequence is the overlap of animation and graphic design, its difficult to make claims for pure animation or design they are now merged.
In my head I see the claims to expanded practices as this...
From modernist to postmodernist eras there have been stages in art and design that have brought us here today, arts ad crafts, art nouveu then to new typography and de stijl right the way p to now, they have being art movements that we may think are influenced by style and aesthetics but they have being created by the change in technology’s, materials and processes. This then enables the postmodern culture. The movements have now become mass communication stages between all art and design disciplines, graphic working with animation, photography working with fashion all of them enhancing work and creating new styles. a graphic designer is not just a graphic designer anymore, they can code they can animate. its rare now that you see someone in a discipline sticking to that discipline, its all about expanding our practices and broadening our horizons, in turn broadening our art movements with technological innovations.