Seminar 3- ('the open works' Excersise)
This weeks seminar was design based, it was all about doing examples of the open works' at first I didn’t understand this but after doing the activities it seems more obvious. Theorists came up with activities and design games that were examples of the theory the open works.
We did two the perfect circle and the beach
First the perfect circle... we were asked to draw the perfect circle, 4 players took it in turns to attempt and they we had to come to a united decision when we thought it was perfect. What we realised very quickly was that the definition of a perfect circle is different to everyone, so instead we took the approach of drawing closely round each circle starting with a dot until we got the result that we decided was the perfect circle and I think it's close.
Some groups took a wider approach and did their own circles, but this way we thought was more accurate.
The next one was the beach...
The idea is for each of the 4 players to take it in turns to draw a dot in the middle of the largest available space. This was done however when we believed the beach was 'crowded'. we found a different way to interpret this and joined the coloured dots to each other an approach that no other group took.
Initially I didn’t see the point in these but then it made sense, its about the way people define the word finished but in game for and its one I am going to think about and create one myself.