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ESHA Further Development

After deciding I didn’t like the original idea of using the black and white images and house style, I tried some different ways of experimenting with photos and techniques. Initially I thought of the explorer and I like the idea, think the bright colour and the idea that they are ready to explore the world and the walking boots and map show this, I didn’t find a way that I thought made it look most effective. I then moved onto struggler and again I don’t think they are good enough.

The problem I have with this is that the idea is based around people, meaning photography and image manipulation on Photoshop is not my strong point, doing this has taught me more but not enough. I don’t think my skills can make this realistic enough, I think I need to go down the more graphic typography look. I want these to be effective and for young people to look at them, the bland images wont do this and I want to figure out a way that will.

Due to the fact that I only changed my idea and decided my finals were not good enough, a few days ago, these final designs are rough and could do with more work to get the layout and aesthetic right, however this is the style and look my final pieces are.

I really like them, they appeal more to the 13-16 year old, which is what I was going for, and they are bright, colourful, each one has a different colour and theme. It shows the difference between each character but the similarity of being accepted and wanting to be accepted is shown through the link of house style and text. Including the linking title.

The approach to these are the more graphical ideas, the aspirer one is the one that I started first and that I think is a finished product, each part connotes the idea of aspiring in one way. For example the speech in the text says ‘I aspire to achieve my goals’, the words are swirling around above the characters head, the blue colour is to connote the idea of dreaming, and the word aspirer is then printed at the top. At first I didn’t want the actual word to be on but I think it looks effective and is relevant to do in this design.

I did this idea when I looked at a text brush technique in Photoshop and I developed it from there. I think some can look more effective than other but again this is due to some not being finished.

when i went back and looked at the posters, it worked for the aspirer but the style was not working for the others, i was told the posters didn't have to be in the exact same style, which i agreed with but i wanted them to have some link. i decided to keep on developing until i got the right effect i wanted.

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