Business Lecture 3
The first thing we were told in this lecture was to Compare like with like, don't compare different things with seperate purposes or your reslut wont be accurate enough to base your work on...
Buyer behaviour... we went through the process of the buyer behaviour process, step by step and what each step means and results in
1. Need Recognition A need can be triggered by experience or something that happens in a person life, however a need can be mistake as a mean want, we need to know want is not a need. Need is something you must have, want is just what you would like to have but isn’t necessary needed in your life. 2. Search when you establish what it is that you want you see what's out there that gives you options on what you can buy to fulfil your need. 3. Pre-purchase evaluation the pre-purchase evaluation might be a quick or slow process depending on the item, buying a chocolate bar would be a quick position where as buying a car will require opinions of others, reviews and research. 4. Purchase the purchase stage is when the contract goes through and you hand over the money for the project, just because its purchased doesn't mean that it's the end of the process. 5. Consumption After buying the item you do what you want with the item and the speed on consumption depends on the product for example a chocolate bar to a washing machine. the experience of this can change your attitude towards it. 6. Post purchase evaluation there are a number of questions you ask yourself in this stage
Was it good or bad? Would you buy it again? Would you recommend it? Most people, if they have bought the product don't want to admit that its a bad product and they were wrong, this means the consumer will try and be on the good side of the product say if you buy a car rather than a chocolate bar, its easier to admit buying the chocolate bar was a mistake rather than the car being a mistake because it was a bigger investment. Looking at this is important because people who buy expensive products are always on the good side, if your going to devise an advertisement to get people to buy again, has to appreciate where they are coming from, ready to buy or need persuading.
stage 1
1. exposure 2. might grab attention 3. might not or will comprehend it 4. acceptance- thing its right, understand it, accept it, might not like it bu understand it
stage 2
memory- it will all link to memory so would you buy it again? you will have assesed and know what you think
stage 3 buyer behaviour process ( see above )
stage 4 all effected by the environment, society, class, work and ethics, all things are built in through own experiences it colours your view
as creatives this is sensitive information to us, as divergent thinkers we understand it and we need to initialise the benefit we have to our advatnage when working to a client and breif
hierarchy of needs..
this is a theory that was exaplned to us but was somwithngt hat i had reearch already due to the topic of my studio work... self actualisation- you can do what you want with your life, few people get to this level esteem and status- not always about money and power, more about a respect in the group you are in belongingness- the need for love, effection and attention safety- the need for mental and phyical security phycological- the need for shelter, food ,water each step goes up in motivational needs once the step is fulfilled the need is then not motivating enough although its always there straight forward system but if something occurs humans will drop to the lowest relevant level, for example, made redundant, go to family, earthquake, food and water if your doing design work in another country- work out where they are on this hierachary of needs where are they? what is it thats important to them? what motivates them? competitions...
proces in which our minds go through...
which product? memory instincts kick in- -what does it feel like, smell like etc, first port of call -is it long term of short term -might have to change persons memory from a bad view to good view aesthetics does it look right/Good? emotion - does this product have to provoke an emotion? -what it the emotional state of the people purchasing this product? -hedonism- live with the guilt?- don't care what everyone thinks conscious love Genetics - men vs women - they are different in all ways of communication -speak as group of individual can depend on sex - men in groups, women god on their own logic - -series of aspects that they are after - functionality range of choice - is their only one choice attitude to risk - some people will take on risk -some will not let risk happen - attitude to personal risk nature of the problem - how many people involved, high low - low involvement- easy decision -high- more mental involvement to work it out -cheese, milk is low -wine,high involvement religion or belief structures - what food you can sell- how and what you say to people - how the food is made and handled legal issues -copyright etc.. others views - peers - friends -family - effected by each group in some ways financial issues
- is it feebasble?
use in own work- put comments aside each- to allow you to typically sketch an audience you are targeting to. appreciate how you talk to them through design
after going through the idea of consumers, how they think when they buy what drives them and how they react to products on the market we were shwn a series of 'clever ad's' soehting i was looing forward to seeing, the cerativity in which people work with to involve and interact ther desings with the audinece. clever ads.. don't just stick to the ad you are given, think about what you can do differently with what you are given to make it interesting need to think of new ways to grab attention facebook people will take photos and share- advertising for free, recognise the befits create a situation that people want to do as well engage outside the box bilboards..
the idea is that if someone says can i have a 20mX20m billboard advertising this that and the other, you think beyond and say actually i can do you a bilboard to fit round the full building. its abouot being ifferent and making people look, grabing their attention. in my option although these two ads are big, there is nothing too magnificent or differnt about them other thn their sze there were others that i found more interesting...
here are some that i like, for example, the 3D billboards, they go beond the space they were given they push the boundres and they mame people notice what they are selling, it means they talk about it with friends and share it on social sites advertising the prouct further. as long as a design is justified then its ok. a client may not be on board wth an idea but perswade them push them to get them to do desings that ou want.
The kill bill advertisment...
the billbard with the blood spilling out onto the cars is interesting, walking past ou would woner how but actualy the cars and the effcts re part of the adevrt and were plajted there, it was impossible to iss as you walked or drove past, it was actually covered by the press giving it more exposre fr free. its dramatic and different. i think this advert is very clever, it incoporated the theme of the product into the real world and its soemting people can appreciate due to the effrt. i would definatly see what the product ws if the advert jumped out at me like this one.
Razor... i really love the razonr advert, its such a clever innovative idea, its somehting that you may not think of but if you do its genius. althught its outside of the biboard its really easy and chaep to do. it simple with not much taking away from the product.
what i liked about this is that the common memory of the boy watching the hotwheelc car drive aroun has been used as advertsismnt, its triggering someones memor of somehitng ot make thm tal to other people, think about it again and buy another even just for old times sake.
putting advertisements in unexpected places in a way you don't expect for example in the hiuse of parlametnt example, it gets people talking, thats not allowed but half the lightls are out enabling us to ee the advertisement. who did that?
here are some more....
you have to be careful! you can put communication on any surface (in the states) but usaly not everywhere kit kat... straight forward make sure its creative don't stick to just being within the limit use it to your benefit start to make your design work memorable if its memorable its successful so client will come back we were then set a task, to pick a prouct and do an analysis of stot and pest, initally id dint realise that you had to pick a sprsific produt but when explained it makes sense...
i picked a watch and how can y do a analysis of this is you dont know if its a mans or a woman, a sports wwatch a fashion wath, what brand it is etc...
i choose... westside two tone Chromo bracelet watch
STYLE NUMBER: 7114900030
Political- yes
Economic- yes, for the market aimed at, middle class, not thousands but over 100
Social- yes, respected brand, fashionable, exclusive brand, looks aesthetically pleasing
Technological- yes works functionally opportunities now able to focus on fashion use than functionality use so focus more on the look of the watch Threats people use phones as clocks don't wear watches as much other competitors- sekonda accurist