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Business Lecture 4

Inter- Relation ship between the art and design field

To recap over the past few lectures, we have to understand the relationship to be able to be successful in design and pleasing the client, the business industry is very market focused and driven, we have to understand and appreciate this. Market research is about looking for what they want from you and to do this we need to understand the nature of research, that’s why we went through PEST, SWOT analysis and so on.

We then went through the macro environment and how the government may impact our designs, its vital to understand and keep in contact with the changes

We looked at the ethical and social changes, looking at the idea that we all have different backgrounds ethically and socially and we need to appreciate that if you take a contract, you need to be comfortable with what your being asked to do.

Always be honest with yourself and to do this you have to understand the issues going on around you and how you can use this to deal with the brief you have been given. Using this information means you can target designs and focus designs to client and market requirements. There is no point designing if its to going to be used, however some briefs may not allow you to be as creative as you want but you have to be prepared for this.

Moving onto this week’s topic we started to look at communication issues, our while Corse is based around communication its what we design to do and we need appreciation for what it means...

Shannon and weaver model of communication

If someone sends you a message they do it by encoding it and putting it in a way they would understand for example speaking English, you would then decode this message by reading the English language an receiving the message understanding it, however to receive a message you have to now how the encoding works, for example how to speak the English language. The problems with this is that whatever you re designing it has to convey a message, so you have to encode a message in a design that can be decoded and understood well. However you cant just put the message in once, it has to be done using multiple things, like colour, type, imagery to really reinforce the message. All of them have to speak the right and the same message as each other, it helps people appreciate the fact that the design and product advertising is for them, making the design successful. When design work you should always know why you have done something and be able to explain this.

The idea of noise and interference is on either side of the transition phase for example if a billboard has a website on and this is key information, but paint has been splattered on it and now no one can see it, the design becomes un usable, its interference and you have to take into consideration the consequences of this, other aspects o the billboard should the convey the message somewhere else that is not splattered with paint.

Development of the model

The message may be simple, complex, long or short, but we have to figure this out, a complex message may need to be relayed in stages in a 30 second ad or in a series of posters

I can relate to this due to my studio work. The message in my studio work had been conveyed through a poster campaign, showing that it's ok to be different' using young and Rubicans 7 categorisation categories I produced a poster for each category for example struggler, succeeded and explorer and linked them by using every human seeks acceptance. The message is that even if not everyone’s in the same category its ok, because everyone deserves acceptance from society. This message is best portrayed when the posters are all seen by the consumer as the message of 7 different people will be portrayed better than if only 1 person was shown.

You have t think about how will I get it to the audience? And consider that they might not understand it, therefore disagree and reject it or they will agree, accept and store that information, going back to the buyer behaviour process.

Develop further...

Once the message has being established how do you package it and the style you want to portray it in. for example the tenor of the design, whether it will be serious, light hearted or formal and also thinking about how heavy the information has to be put to the audience.

Thinking about the channels…





Don’t just use one think about using several mediums to convey this message and think about how to put them together, show them and link them within the public domain.

Also think about the diversity of your designs some as can be stretched and distorted, resulting in the designs looking terrible if you can fix these things and prevent them from happening to your designs it makes you saleable.

Magazine ads can cost up to £17,000, advert lasting 30 seconds - can cost up to and above £100,000 depending on broadcasting channel and pea times, these are called red card figures.

There is a whole industry that looks at this type of thing so you don’t have to worry about it but knowing what the medium and audience is looking for is very important site that will help is BRAD-British rate advertising data

Summon>under B> BRAD

You can search for any magazine in this country and all the rate data is there as well as the entire format data, including a series of direct contacts for those magazines, enabling us to contact directly the graphic designers ad editors.

There can be factors that change the way messages can be received some that are out of your control for example mood, if someone wakes up in a bad mood no matter what advertising you throw in their face they wont be interested. Attitude and whether they are positive and negative will affect the message being received. The affect culture and the way that everything is susceptible to change due to the society and world effect so are prepared to pull designs out of circulation at any time. For example the Syrian child who dies on the beach, that changed society’s conversation and views, although it was temporary it still had an effect.

Mental state

This is important when you think about learning we have to accept people have different experiences and how we can use that to enhance our designs can change

Life- mental and physical alterations

Senses, particularly vision are a big factor.

Spectra from common sources of visible light

As designer we need to understand that colour changes with light, humans need ultra violet and day light to see to our full capabilities, not taking this into consideration can cause issues depending on how you put colour across and the system your using. Knowing the environment you are designing for is critical because the colour may look different to what was intended.

Retinal sensitivity

The white line on the graph is day time vision (photonic) meaning you can see most colours, the black line is night vision (scotopic) meaning that blue is mostly seen in the dark and red isn’t visible at all unless we are looking specifically for it. This will have an effect on night driving.

light to dark colour perception

Colour can alter and this may need to be taken into consideration with technical aspects, we need to consider and be aware of.

A lot of people may ask why is this relevant?, simply because if you do a magazine, in winter, people are likely to read inside so the colours will change, so the choice of colours is important

We were advised to look on brand republic as this has latest information on what brands are doing, companies are happy to spend the money on advertising but you have to be able to deliver the quality work.

More of the brain...

The left side of the bran is about usability and analytical thinking where as the right side is susceptible to design and creative thinking. This will effect how you explain your designs.

Attitudes- manager VS designer


Long term- need to manage and keep everything under control- growth survival

Focus on- people and systems- screw up causing problems

Education- verbal, numerical, accounting

Thinking style- analytical, linear

Behaviour- pessimistic, adaptive

Culture- cautions, conformity


Short term- brief done, product quality career building, reform and change

Focus on things and environment- these things cause problems

Education- craft art, visual, geometric

Thinking style-holistic, lateral, solution led

Behaviour- optimistic, innovative

Culture- diversity, experimental

A manager wont understand why we did something, even if it has to be put simply, we have to be able to explain why, to do this we have to know how their mind thinks. If the manager believes he is taking a risk you have to be able to make sure you can convince him with your confidence and designs how it will work and why. Having confidence n your work and reasons will work well.

For example...

British rail asked for an advertising campaign so they went to an office and the designers put them in a cold room with cold tea and sandwiches, leaving them for half an hour. When they entered the conference room they were infuriates, the designer responded by telling him that its what your clients have to put up with, and now you understand we have a big job to advertising your company and they were hired that day. The designers knew the problems with the company and they used this as a confidence strategy winning them the client.

Henry Mitzberg view table...

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