Maslow's Hierarchy of needs
This was something we were told about in a business lecture, it was only talked about briefly and it was something I found interesting in relation to my studio project and the idea that we seek acceptance, we need to be loved and surrounded by people who we are liked by.
I looked into the phycology around this as part of my studio project and it lead me onto more ideas and theory’s creating a really god base for my project, starting the title of my conversation studio brief
'Every human seeks acceptance'.
So here is what I found...
Dr Abraham Maslow (1943) hypothesized that a ‘hierarchy of needs’ motivates humans. Individuals must be satisfied with the bottom levels of the hierarchy before moving up levels to make it to the top (self actualization)
To the right is the hierarchy of needs Dr Maslow devised....
The theory suggests:
Humans must pass lower levels to move up and once this level has being satisfied the motive no longer motivate the individual, however the need is always present.
Maslow describes self-actualization (individuals that have made it to the top of the hierarchy) as:
-Being realistically orientated
-Accepting of others for who they are
- Spontaneous in their thinking,
Behaviour and emotions
- Problem centred not self-centred
- Need privacy
- Independent and able to stay true
to themselves even through unpopularity
- Have meaningful relationships with
Few people
- Are democratic and judge as
- Highly developed ethics
- Resist conformity to culture
Humans described as ‘knowledge workers’ usually have no need to worry about physiological or security needs as these thing no longer motivate them its the higher levels that do in todays society for example love.