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Analogue Communique 2D: session 2

after last week when we had developed all the different types and found one that we liked, it was now time to develop this further. we were asked to transfer this type onto a bigger scale having one letter per A4 sheet of paper, we were asked to do this imaginativly, it didnt have to be neat or finished but we wanted to get inmaginitive, distoted ideas to explore to possabilities with type.

when i first started university type was not something i thought i was insterested in but i have learnt through my 2 years here that actually if i put my mind to it and think creativly and imaginitvly about what i am doing i can create some good outcomes.

so my idea was to have my 3D type transformed bigger but also having it reversed, having a half black on white type wth a white on balck type also. i mocked this up in my sketch book to get the idea of what i needed to do and then i started drawing my type out...

i then photocoppied some black shets of papper, initially i was going to photocopy all the letters that i needed so that i could rip them all up bu i realised that this would be time consuming but the biggest problem was that the letters may not fit eachother, so i decided to rip up a tp and botom half of the white sheet and stick them onto the black sheet and then draw the letter in pencil accuratly onto the prepared page and then going over the right lines in the right colour.

getting a black marker was easy and going around the edges, however getting a white marker was difficult, i bought one but it was very runny and it didint work well on the inked paper, it started to make a mess so i decided to wait until i got a better maker, i was thinking a chalk marker would be better.

here is my typeface at the end of the lesson but it will have to be worked on ebcause the white middles need to be filled in. initally i liked the idea of the middle of the letters mising but when the grid was put toegther on the floor it was hard to read and i knew the effect would lok better by adding the white outlines.

i really like the effect i have and i think once finished this could be a really exiting typeface. the quote is 'i am in the moment' i have talked about what this measn to me and i think the idea of the letters looking ike their in two paces at one is a ironic contridiction. i am also going to fill in the 3D parts just to experement more and see what effect that brings.

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