Seminar 5: Introduction to the essay
today we were introduced to the essay brief. the brief is a lot like last year, the same amount of words commentiong on somehting that is interconnected to your studio and theory modules. personally i am not confident in writing essays. i am able to write alot fo have a lot of ideas however my writting skills are not brilliant so that is something i will have to get help with and work on.
the important thing with the essay is that it has to be somehting that you are interested in because to be able to motivate yourself to do it and to be interest in what yo are wrtiing will make the essay so much better.
the idea is to draw upon your studio work that is relevant to my dicipline for example graphic design and my specialism, which i see as branding and advertising. but we were also told to draw on other diciplines bringin in the multi-diciplinary throughts to back up your argument and make it more interesting and diverse.
the esay itself in 2,500 word and then there is a visual apendix to support your essay this is equivilent to 2,500 menaing that it should take about the same time it would to write 2,500 words. this should not be an illustartion of the essay but a response to the ideas that you explore and testing them out for yourself.
in the actual essay itself there will be
a title that is clear and fiocuses on a research question, this should answer a question and not just be a vauge title. i was thinking that this could be about my conversation brief and the way technology has effected this. be spersific to make it easier for you.
a 150 word asbtract at the start of the essay however this should be done after the essay is finshed as this will be a condensed version of what yur essay is outlining and tells them what you are presenting.
an intriduction outlining the points of the arguments and the body of the text, a wel written oj ewill outline all points . this should be about 500 words
a main body of text, think about this in chapters and make arguments with supporting evidence for exaple case studies.
the conclusion reminds the reader of the arugments made and the conclusion you have come to as well as identifying a biggger pictre and raising other questions.
and a bibliography- this should be in line with the APA 6th referenceing
A topic i have being thinking about is the comericla branding and advertising and ythe new technology changn the way it is.