Low Poly Inspiration
As I looked through Pinterest I found this piece of low poly by Scarriebarrie. I have always liked low poly and some time ago I did one of rita ora as you can see below. However this interested me more at the time because I was stuck, I was looking for inspiration and when I saw this style I had an idea. This is a style that when shown to 16 year olds, they find it fascinating, I've witnessed it before, I have 2 young brothers and they both thought it was really cool. I would test this further but i realised that this could be a style i use for my conversation project, it would strike interest n the rest of the campaign i had created.
I really liked these because of the set colours, its not mad but its calm and has a really nice feel to it, it the sort of feeling i want people to get when they see my campaign posters. I want them to strike interest. i had noticed though that for my campaign this could be a tricky way to portray a personality, so i thought about taking elements from this, maybe the shapes, th colours the simple nature?, i wasn't quite sure yet.
Low Poly Rita Ora
I really enjoyed doing this a while back, it was time consuming but you could see the piece coming together the more you did and it was so satisfying, when I look at low poly I just wonder how its done, it looks so effortless and i also think its a really modern use of graphic design, something that teenagers will be able to relate to, after all its aimed at them.
Below are my outcomes for my conversation studio project, I'm really happy with them, thy portray an individual stereotype using graphic language layout and colour but they all have the link of the triangles, I knew when starting that i wouldn't have them all in low poly, but i wanted something that would replicate the geometric style, and i think it works well.