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Spencer's Lecture 7

barat and bolt

barbera bolt- core in the patrnership (painter)

we need to stop thinking about knowledge and start thinging about preformativity

design objects are preformative, they influence behaviour, but we have to think about what they do and not the knowledge they contain

results in a way of thinging about what a researcher is, and what kind of things creative practitioners might study

world and dicipline is contantly evolving, evreything can be rethought in the way the world chanages.

can fall into a trap of always trying to produce the sublime

sublime- (uncontainable natural force that can shatter every catagory)

bolt takes issue and say, not asking students to transform their dicipline, could think about the new in art pracices, is to think about idea of being open to events, rather than setting out in a project with a clear idea, it needs to be more like they have a loose idea of a problem they are interested in, there not answering it but exploring it and see what happens.

says itasabout being open to the research problem and the enviroment, allowing yourself a drift, exploratry research

quantivive- about analysis and gather lots of evidence, work on large scale samples

qualitive- small scales, trying to know something small, an indiduals perspercive or a small social group, not big statistical data but rich interegation of small clusters of infomation

art reaserch is qualitive research because its interested in small problem, its methods are also qualitive

3rd element- danger in some art researach where its so qualitive, that your disapear, it becomes an analysis of you, they become personal and loose objective bearing, become experiencial.

point is that, in investigating your own subjectivity dont have to lose connection with the world, because in trying to now somehitng small, you might be pushing against whatever it is that threatens that area (activist dimension)

smooth space

open experiencial space, you wondering around in an unconstrained way

straiated space

the response socially t individual freedoms, about ordering them, adding a system of measure into the openess,

the uni repsonse initially to art practice was to order it

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