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Jay: Box Prototype

After finishing our designs for this session, we exported the illustrator file out to a high quality PDF and printed it onto good quality card, we then cut the net out, folded along the lines and stuck the box together, we then took photos of the finished box in a studio like set up.

I think that because we had the studio set up the images we took of the box were better quality and more realistic than if we just took them ourselves, it looks professional and clean cut.

The net we were given was in proportion the only thing that didn’t work on my box was the top flap that covered all the other folds, this was not deep enough to cover the top of the box, however this was a minor fault and could be due to my re sizing when importing the image onto jays computer for him to print down in the printing rooms.

Overall I am satisfied with my cereal box however I’m not particular proud of it, I think my castle and title look good and with the added gradient at the last minute it makes the box look more realistic, however I think my character could look better, I wanted the character to have the cute look and although she looks young, she doesn’t got the look I imagined.

The labels are labels I have screen shot from other cereal boxes, I thought this would be the most realistic way to do it and although easy it worked effectively.

One thing could defiantly improve was the back of my cereal box, I took a maze from another cereal box just for ease, but I should have made my own game, covering the whole back of the box to use more space and make the box not look so empty, I also think this would of added to the cereal box realistic look.

I can’t say I have overly enjoyed this project; I don’t like designing cereal box's, more because of the character design than the packaging idea. I actually think its a good thing to do because its taught me how to scale up and print for prototyping. Something I will need to do for my next project. I find character design really hard and it may need to be something I work on, but the idea behind my box and its theme I am happy with.

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