Business lecture 7 (project management)
This bussiness lecture was all about project manangement and how being a designer goes beyond the boundries of just desigining. as a design student, i had always thought about how to improve design and how to further develop, i have always ficused on this but this lecture interested me beavsue i had never thought about the oter things involved in actually getting your work out there.
we started with the time, cost and quality triangle, it seems there is a constant rade off between the three, they rarely work in order with eachother. the time limit must be set with a client and you MUST always meet it, in university it may be an option to have extra time or run over, however especially in advertising, the insudry does not have time for lazyness.
the cost is always a big factor, nt just how much your charge but how much will the work cost tp be pronted or made? production costs have to be taken into considerantion and discussed with your client. these two factors have to also have a sense of quality, eve with a small budget and a small time limti quality will take a hit but should ways be evident.
in the project management phase of design there are 3 distinct elements you may be involved in any of these or even all three...
1. Design Phase
this includes evertthing in a design process, from research t idea genertaion, design concepts and embodiment through to technical compleation, as a designer this will be the phase you will always be more involved in.
2. execution phase
jafter the design phase, you may think the design is done but it may be your job to follow the whoel thing throgh, for example prodction and implementation of your work, in this stage you have to consider production issues, how are you going to get the work out there wether that be an animation, flyers or posters. correct colour and sizes have to be taken into consideration, if this is something you end up doing it called a key term oporation, doing this and following thgouh your work can increase your income by factors of 10 for little work and a bit of organising.
3. implementation phase
even when the work is out there, especially in advertising, it may be your job to inspect it, look after it and make sure it stays in the condition it needs to, no marks, graffiti, obsructions form view etc...
this stage doesnt always go prefectly and sometimes products need to be tweaked.
when your planning all this for a brief, always work backwards, look at the deadline and take many things into consideration for example holidays, sickness and the time of year in corrolation to your employyees or yourself, rembeer there are always problems so work out the man hours and the reasonalbe work that can be achived by then. build i some leeway in your timetable
when working with a client, you must always keep in contact with your client, get them to sign off at every stage, stating that they like to so your not wasting time creating somehting that they dont like or use at the end resulting in them not paying you.
you wont be in every stage in all projects, you may rarely be in all 3 at any time, but if it comes to it we must be organised, prepared and consider all factors.