Physical Type Research (Extra Work)
Before I could start thinking about what I wanted to create in terms of a typeface physically, I had to have a look at what was out their already. I was unsure at first so needed some idea own that exactly we were being asked to do. I found a studio called Lo Sineto that did a piece of type that I really like.
Using just white folded paper they create a dynamic and angles to these letters that is unbelievable, I think this type appeal to me because of my like of low poly, its something that looks similar. I think the idea of using something so flat to make a physical piece has worked really well in this instance.
Lo Sineto also did this piece below, made from aluminous plastic pieces, including items like cogs and bolts. I really like the colours that are complementing each other, the neon colors work well against the wooden background. This made me realise that the surface on which your type is on can affect your type a lot more than I had first realised.
A piece by Kelsey Blevins really caught my eye, again using flat white paper to create a physical 3D letter. I think these are catching my eye because they are materials that are meant to be flat, but they are being manipulated into shapes that appear and are in fact 3d. The pieces are not just 3d block type, they have a bit of distortion to them, makes them look a little botched when things maybe didn’t go so right but I think that’s the endearing thing about it. Its being made by hand and its craft can be difficult, the mistakes showing on a piece like this to me isn’t a bad thing it shows character and the journey its took to completion.
A technique that I have briefly seen before is the idea of using pins in board and wrapping string around them. Its something I have only seen recently but I really love the way it looks, its such an unexpected and creative technique and as I found with this type, it really works for words, using white and silver pins they become invisible against the background and only the red wire is visible, the word can also effect what you write. I want to create something that really resonated with its form. Something that could connect emotionally to the viewer.