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3 Ideas

Decisions determine destiny

Idea 1

im a big beliver that every decisoon you make, impacts your futuer in one way or another, wether big or small. only you can make those decision, people will try and influebce but if theres one thing i learned, stick to your gut...

this breif is about indepebndece, taking control over your own life and your own choices, that in tern will determine where you will go lin life and if you will be happy.

my ideas is to base the idea of decisions determine destony, forst telling my story by animation and linking this then into a physical design product.

A few years ago, neuroscientist Antonio Damasio made a groundbreaking discovery. He studied people with damage in the part of the brain where emotions are generated. He found that they seemed normal, except that they were not able to feel emotions. But they all had something peculiar in common: they couldn’t make decisions. They could describe what they should be doing in logical terms, yet they found it very difficult to make even simple decisions, such as what to eat.



Idea 2

when i look into my future, the things i cant ait to do are the milestones in life, the things everyone does, because they are the acivements in life, like getting married, becoming a parent and buying your first home. i cant wait tobe able to do that al for myself.

my idea is to have an animation with my milestone son teling the story of what ive done and what i cant wait to do, this will be an illutrative animation done on after effects, this will then rewind and say ‘ but forget my future’ whats yours?



Idea 3

the subject in idea 1 is an emotion i hold close to me, and i wanted this project to be personl, however it was difficult to find a way to put that into design, however i thin by compbining the two ideas and making a a picee about milestones and how they can be changed during life and you can decide which ones you hit, shows that you control your own life and the future is yours and yours alone.

the idea is to make a timeline on a wall that is interchangeable, the age and milestones can be changed by each person using it. some milestones may be typical like marroge or kids and some more perculiar ones like walking the red caret or flying in a provate jet. i could make a range that will suit al kinds of people.

i belive this may be difficult to do therefroe it may result in me picking 3 sides of myself, my nightmare, dream and reality to split up and create milestones from them people within me.

this is something i will have ot consider later on in the process.

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