Final idea Sketches
learning to walk and talk
lose first tooth
first day at school
first best friend
13th birthday
graduating high school
16th birthday
first holiday
passing driving test
18th birthday
realising what your passionate about
graduating university
21st birthday
run a marathon
first big interview
getting the job of your dreams
buying first house
getting married
30th birthday
first promotion
becoming parents
40th birthday
becoming grandparents
60th birthday
heres my intial idea sketched out, of a simple timeline with detachable numbers and tags that represent milestones ina personal life, some that al people go through and some that are more personal, goals and acheievments they want to make, bucket list ideas if you like.
the idea was to have this illustrated by drawings however im not sure what to do, i want to try some illustration and vector ideas to play around with what will look best.
i wanted their to be an animation to go with this as the digital side, this wil show my story and then ask the question whats yours? going with the physical aspect and getting people to get involved and plan out their futures.