Logo Development
I imagined this book to be like a diary, something personal to me that have my thoughts, and dreams documented inside, but a book that can be adapted and changed as I go through my life. I liked the idea of decisions determine destiny and I decided this would be my project title, and something that would appear n my book. Although I wanted to make a logo for it, it doesn’t mean to say this will be my focal point in the book, it may just make an appearance.
I wanted the book to look hand drawn and crafted; I started by using hand written fonts and paler colors, going for the faint drawn look. However everything that I created didn’t have the look I was going for. I went through many different colors, fancy fonts, patterns and shapes and I could not find the right look. I really like the light blue and pale blue colors, this was the colour I wanted to go with. However I found that in the end I was adding things to add, 'fluffiness'. I wanted it to have a cute look and instead by adding drop shadows and vector shapes, I was creating a digital piece that I was trying to stay away from.
Hand drawn development
It was after I struggled with books covers and inside pages that I took a look at my project and asked myself what I wanted from it?, i knew the answer straight away, handmade, so I started to create the book using only hand drawn images that i had scanned, in and I managed to create a better look over all.
The biggest thing I accomplished with this discovery was the logo, instead of adding things for cuteness I found that using a compass to represent directions and destiny but not adding the N,S, E and W. gave a really good effect, hand drawn and scanned in gave it a real hand drawn feel even when digitalized in illustrator.