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My Future self Research

My journey for the next ten years...


-Trip to New York

-3rd Year of University


-Camp America

-First job in city near home

-New car



-Promotion in Austraila

-Live by the beach

-Becoming a mum

-Watching kids grow




I Tranfer

Lucy Kilcoyne

this is a designer that won D&AD’s black pencil award as part of the new blood breif in 2015. the idea is based on their future self, somehting i am looking into for my breif of collide.

the way lucy has looked at the breif is that you can construsct your future and become a certain way depending on the decisions she makes. you might have one vision but when decisions come your way, you can be swayed and your path can chnage quicky.

this got me thinking about my future self and what i would love to be looking at in 10 years, the answer is success, i have doubted what i have wanted to do for to long, i want to prove to myself and my family that i can something other than what they would have advised. living in new york, working for a top design compnay living in a house on the outskirts with my husband and maybe starting a family. that is where i would love to be, but thats the god option, there are many that could come my way...


(Home) Maker

Shannon Lea

Shannon Lea is another student that won D&AD’s award but instead the yellow pencil award as part of the new blood breif in 2015 also. the idea is based on their future self, somehting i am looking into for my breif of collide.

this designer choose to take a senario that she would love and contrast it with the opposit senario that she would hate,

i like the contrast in her dream and her nightmare, its something that interest me, my dream is new york, but realisticaly i hope to end up in a big city aybe even london at a good design agency. however my contrasting nightmare wouldent be a family, my hopes incoporate family. my nightmare would to be in a dead end job not knowing where to go.

the clever thing about this project is that the two images are merged into 1 and only one can be sen at any one time, one during the day and one during the night using two different inks.



Jamie Kirk

Again Jamie kirk is a winner of D&AD new blood brief, he himself was from huddersfield univeristy.

he created a series of tarrot cards that had some quotes on that he does by, i think the way he has done the typography. i mysef have a quote that i live by. ‘try everything once, and the good things twice’.

Jamie comments, ‘Using the concept of tarot cards, I’ve produced a self-promotional piece of work that captures aspects of my past, present and future through illustration, animation and print.

this could influence how i make this project my own and personal. before seeing this the idea of having a past present and future aspect to my project.

i think its interesting because it shows my developemnt, it gets even more personal and digs deeper into my thoughts and feelings.


When i'm a dad

Tom watkins

‘In ten years’ time, I decided that being able to inspire people was important, but even more so I wanted to be a dad, so When I’m a Dad was born. A way for me to inspire not only myself but other future fathers about awesome things to do as a dad.

The print execution involved creating and printing a unique children book with 10 different illustrated ‘When I’m a dad’ scenarios.

For the digital execution I designed a website to bring the conversation online, which was picked up by some media helping it grow.’

this was by tom watkins a student wo won a black pencil award.

i like this piece because of how emotioanl it makes you feel, most people think about thier career and where they will live, but the aspect of being a dad is his inspoiration is a nice thing to hear.

its a little deeper than just a carrer, its his inner thoughts and feelings, success and proving i can do what i want is my motivation and it something i want to insipre my project.


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