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Timeline Research

Complex wall timeline

after having this idea, i thoguth ti would be a good idea to look through some timelines for inspiration, initally i thoguth of a straight image, with sections to place the detachable images, however loking through i like this idea, of having the ages for the milestones on the design and the milestones being placed, not the age.

this could be a good way to see how epople see their futures at different ages arther than the user placing the age on.

i also think this can change the design style, somehting i plan to experement with.


Simple wall timeline

a style i also like is the idea of a simple timeline, with the images being able to be moved and changed depedning on the user, although simple i think this will be a way that each user can cleary see what they want, somehting they may not have done befroe and it could help them see their future more seriously and clearly.

althoguht the idea behind it is simple, i want the design to be more eyecatching and interactive so it wouldent be a simple timeline i cerate, it would have some sort of interest about it.


Hanging Timelines

aftet alking with a tutor, i realised that a wall timeline would be goodhowever it would take up a lot of room, i wanted to condense my idea into something more creative, so i tok a look at some creative ways i could showcase this timeline. i initially thought of a book but before exploring that i found this. i really like the idea and lok of this, i thought i could colour code the milestones depending on area for example, living, activities and work. and then place a timeline behdin them like this one, and hang the milestones at a height of relevence to when i wish to acheive them.

althougugh this would make the project not interacive, it would show my story in more detail and i think it could work really well, however i do want the project to be different to what ive done before, i wanted somehting more interactive and personal.

so decided to keep loking around at ideas and come back to this at a later date.


Stacked Timelines

when i saw this i instantly liked it, itself its not a timeline of milestone but this can be adapted to do so and people could turn them awa if they didint want it and work out where they would put it, the problem with this idea was that the order in which the milestones are achived and at what age wouldent be able to be changed and i think age and when the milestones are acived is a big factor in this project.

i think with some god graphic work and illustartion somethign like this could look really effective, i want to keep loking into boks to see if i can find a better way to get the audinecs interacting with the projec


Spinning timelines

i realised after talking to tutors that having typcal milestones with a few crazy ones would be difficult, i would have to make many tags in order for the milstones to be aprpiate to every type of person, so the idea is to base it on me, and the paths i could take and where that could lead me.

i decided to split my future into 3 paths, dream ideal and mightmare. these three would then make it easier for me to show what i would reaonslably want and then show people that if i tok different paths what i could achieve.

i still want to instill the idea of decisions determing destiny and every desicion effect you and who you become.

the idea when seeing this image was to have 3 sides that people could swich over and interchange with the ideal, nightmare and dream, making it more spacie saving but eyectahcing at the same time.


Tape Timeline

this is an interesting way of showing a timeline, the idea of it being pued out to reveal the next part in the series is quite appealing, it may be that i have something in my work that participant can pull away to reveal, it leave suspense and makes them want to read on. rather than a big block of text or images that dont have an order or structre.

althought i like this technique i wanted to create something with a little more colour and apperence, so this particular metho wouldent work for me, but the idea has sparked some inspiratoin into what i want to do with my project.


Book Timeline

when i saw this book i knew instantly its what i want to make, i like that i can make a diary type thing that will have my milstones in and the things i want to chve in life, i can tell my story thoguh my ideal life and then have interchangable parts to show that my destiny can chage based on my desisions.

the flaps can be coloured black and white for dream and nigthmare and then this shows my future in the way i see it now, even down to the small things like getting a tattoo.

i still have to work out the details on how i woold make and produce this book but i know i want to give it a try.


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