Logo Development
This logo is slightly different to the purpose of a normal logo, because it’s a logo/identity for a campaign for a company already with a successful logo.
Instead of just having the logo represent the brand and their values, the logo has to represent what the campaign is all about, in this case its about swapping the wine for a healthy juice drink once a week on a Friday. But the other idea is that the campaign is raising money for breast cancer UK because of the audience its aimed at. The campaign is aimed at getting 18-35 year old women more engaged an aware of the brand. For themselves and also because this is the demographic that would by for their families, husbands and children.
Here is my brainstorm of what i want the logo to represent, include and show...
Target Audiece
The brand want us to re-engage 18-35 year old females with the Feel Good brand.
To do this I first needed to look into this demographic, to see what motivates them and what will appeal to them the most.
The feel good brand is aimed at everyone not just women, however wanting to grow even bigger and be one of the biggest choices for juice drinks internationally, appealing to women, who buy for themselves and their families.
Word of mouth
For women word of mouth is how they start their purchasing process and seeing this campaign online would help its about hearing about a product from their friend family or even a stranger will make them more likely to go try a brand, women trust others opinions and want to try that experience for themselves. Because of this a campaign that can be shared online and whilst taking part is a great idea, it allows them to talk about the campaign and brand and their experience.
Women are also more likely to have loyalty to a brand, for example if they have being buying it for years and it has become a habit, or because they had it as a kid etc..
Men depend more on the product than the personal connection, this works to my advantage in this campaign because the idea is about trusting the brand to be healthy and donating to charity, the personal connection to a charity is more susceptible to women than men.
Women search for perfect in products, an added extra incentive something to benefit them and make them feel good about buying them, where as menís decisions and quick and final when purchasing items. This will work to my advantage because it means that buying into this campaign the will see the added benefits for them and the charity and it will make them feel good
Logo sketches
Printing logos
After sketching out some ideas I had, I decided to try experimenting with the printing blocks I had got, I didnít think the font they were in was to far off one of the ones feel good use however I did have my reservations on what it would ok like, I thought about the idea of a heart and because I had one in my printing pack, I thought I could use this to my advantage. I played around with it and because it was for women I made it pink and made a flower out of it giving it different effects but over all it just didnít have the right effect for me. I wanted something a bit more recognizable to the brand of feel good, although girly, this had no recognition to well known brand itself, I am happy I tried this though because it made me realize that I need something that resonated with feel good for the campaign to be successful so I decided to stick with fonts that they use and its also inspired me to look at their logo already ad transform it.
Logo development
After experimenting with the printing technique and finding that the font was not useable to be recognizable with the feel good brand already and that the heart seemed too harsh when printed I tried some other techniques, first trying different fonts and textures, I felt the font type I had in my head, on screen looked a little too 80’s disco, I wanted the logo to be aimed at 18-35 year old and this would not be a relevant font to use, however I did like the texturing technique, the pink flow texture resonated with the cancer research bow theme as well as the pink colour, I think its something I wanted to keep experimenting with.
I then looked at the feel good logo itself and how I could adapt that, I did this by first turning it pink, however I thought this was too obvious, it needed something a bit more. Because the feel good Fridays is to do with swapping wine for juice I looked at adding in bottles and glasses in there but again this didn’t seem to have the right look I was hoping for, it needed to be more fun but still have the same theme, I looked at some outlines and I liked these I thought I was getting somewhere closer.
Because the campaign is about feeling good and supporting a campaign I tried the heart motif again but in an outline like the circle of existing logo but in a more soft approach and pink and grey for the girly touch that the campaign needs to appeal to. Although pink is not just for the girl market I have done it primarily for the breast cancer cause.
The logos to the left I really liked, they had a good feel to them I wanted the logo to actually make you feel good. However i decided that I would keep developing to see what I could get to. I looked into outlines again, but changing the colors and adding in the textured text worked well.
Feedback from audinece
This was the logo that i took t the target audience, I found that this logo from feedback was the one that people were drawn to, it was the one that stood out, related to feel good drinks as a brand but also had its own identity.
I first asked some 18-22 year olds what they thought, their reaction was that it was very girly and cute and made them wan to know what it was because of this. They liked the texture in the writing giving it a bit of depth although a few of the older groups of people I asked from 25-35 and they felt that it could make it hard to read in certain situations, something that I must take on board and sort out.
I took these variations of the logo to them and I got the general feed back that I should keep the Friday text as close to the feel good text as possible, it looked more symmetrical and recognizable they said, although a group of the audience liked the thin version, they said it looked friendly and inviting.
Overall I am glad I have done this because I have found that my logo has flaws I must sort for example the texture on the feel good text and also the type of text I use, as this was something I was unsure on.
Final Logo
I have decided this will be my final logo, the style is still the same, with the recognizable fruit motif of feel good drinks already and the text is the same, however the difference is the colour, pink was used not to target the women as a sole purpose but to set the theme for the breast cancer UK support. I knew that I wanted the campaign colour to be pink from the stat because of this but it also works well because of the attraction of pink to women. I wanted the logo to make you feel good when you looked at it, I wanted it to be quite quirky and cute, for women this attracts them to look more into it. I know myself looking at this I would want to know more about it because of its bright pink colour and the fact it says feel good Fridays, I would want to know what that is, and I believe many other women would too.
I fixed the problem of unreadable text by making the colour darker and removing the texture, this makes the logo a lot more readable something that is a priority for the campaign.
the logo is one that will work on all mediums at all sizes which is a must for the variety that this logo will be paced on, for example, posters, bottles etc...