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Poster Development

Initial designs

I started experimenting with the way I could construct a poster. I decided I wanted one that highlighted the idea of a new limited edition bottle for the campaign. I used a pink background to keep the theme and made placed the prototype bottles on to show that you would want more than 1 drink, but the composition of the poster was not working. Although I did like that the breast cancer UK was on their because I think it needs to be known that the campaign is representing it and helping the charity.

I tried adding fruit but I think the way I was doing it was messy, there was no structure and the posters were not giving off a fresh feeling. The next set of posters, which I have mocked up on the left started to look a little more how I wanted them to. The white gave it a fresh look and the fruit was minimal but looked fresh. The simplicity is something I liked however I think because I’m representing a fresh fruity and healthy drink it needs to be more colourful, fresh and give that feeling of health.

I want a set of posters so I could have some that are more informative and some that are more representative of the juice itself.


Detailed poster

After creating a poster that I liked the showed the freshness and healthiness of the juice I wanted to start making one that gave a little more information about feel good Fridays and what it is. I have created a website and the home page I created worked really well as a poster because he juice bottles and the way I had put those together looked really fresh and followed the style I wanted but it allowed me to place text around in a way the worked to explain what feel good Friday is. The large text of ditch the wine grab the juice gives a brief overview and gets people interested in what it is, and the text under the image explains more in depth what the event it.

This would be a poster that would maybe appear in a place where people have more time to read in it a magazine for example.

I then needed a poster that explained the social media aspect of the event and also the breast cancer UK involvement. This needs to be on all posters even if a little smaller on the others. it the whole point of the campaign.


Teaser posters

Because I liked the simple look to posters and I wanted to promote that these feel good Friday and these juices can be drunk anywhere and anytime, I decided to take the prototypes I had made and place them on background that looked like different environments the sunset, forest and indoors. I used a simple strap line that went with the campaign of swapping the wine and donating to feel good inside and out.

I used Photoshop to add shadows to make the bottles look like they were sat in the tables more realistically. However this is not something I had done a lot of and if not done right, it starts to look strange. when I had finished these posters I liked them but as I stood back and analysed them I started to see the problems. The bottles were in the wrong perspective for the background, the shadows didn’t look real and ultimately it was looking unprofessional. I decided to try some other posters that gave the same message but in a different way. Giving out the fresh and fruity and healthy idea to the consumers.



I started to thin about ways I could connote fresh and healthy to make you feel good on the inside and out and I thought about how the fruit has no added sugar, and contains nothing but fruit and water, so I showed this using a water splash and fruit. I instantly liked the poster, it really gave me a health kick feeling and I knew I was getting closer to what I wanted. However I did think it was too busy, the juice was getting lost in the barrier of fruit I placed behind so I decided to reduce the amount of fruit and just place it at the bottom rather than all the way round and I made the water splash edges disappear a little more.

I had added the new labels to the bottles and used only a bottle instead of a can and carton because the perspective was right. I added the feel good Friday logo and used their strap line ‘no added nasties’.

I used the same line of feel good inside and out but also added with feel good Friday to make the whole poster relate and link to the campaign as well as representing the juice as the brand would want.


Final Poster Prototypes

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