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Website Reserach


Oblend is a small juice company focusing on making vegetable smoothies taste better, their approach is more organic, it really does take simple to the next level, which I love but my website has to be more eye-catching and interactive to women, which is why I want to make the graphics well executed and appropriate. The thing I like from this website is the way all the infomation is done on one page in different sections as you go down the page, I really like this effect and I think it makes the website really easy to navigate around, it also means all infomation is on one page and it doesn't make it confusing for the user or send mixed messages.

The colour scheme works really well with this brand and I think I want to make the website more eye-catching but I also want common colours of pink and white or even with the dark red of feel good, this is something I will work out in development.



Looking at the innocent website, its very simple, it takes you where it needs to go and is easy to navigate around, because there is so much going on with this website its important that this is easy for the user to navigate around and the same goes for my website or any website for that matter, I have not yet decided if I am going to do the whole of the website or just the feel good section, either way within the feel good section, there are many different offsprings of ideas and interactions therefore it has to be clear. The navigation is at the top with the logo very clear and this is something I am going to adopt.

It seems on this website that the theme is very much based on panels and how different graphics lead to different pages, although I like this and i might try it I want the website to be even more simple so I plan to have a main page that explains the campaign and where the majority of things can be done, the other pages are extras in interaction and infomation.

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