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Conversation: Cinema 4D skills (Extra Work)

I have being wanting to make a featured main poster for my poster campaign that contains the idea behind the campaign, I didn't want loads of information on their just something to get the organisation recognised.

We had previously done a cinema 4D workshop that I really liked and decided to make the poster using that technique, the differences were that there were more than 1 letter and I had to add extra details like the extruded rectangles to match the logo for the campaign.

I kept it simple black and white and made the floor reflective to differentiate between the backgrounds. I really like how it looks 3D but the floor and background are also the same flat colour. I followed my notes and found most things easy to remember, I did have trouble finding some settings and buttons but with a little searching around I managed to do what I wanted to.

I really like this effect but I wanted to take it a little further, It needed something more to link it to the posters themselves. All the posters I have made for the campaign contained the triages taken from low poly influence, because of this I wanted to incorporate it however the poster is 3D so I decided to make the triangles the same, have the flaying around rather than static. I'm happy with what i have produced and think its the link between the posters that was needed.

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