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Business lecture 15: Batteries

2 types:

primary and rechargeable


Cycle number : number of times it can be

discharged and recharged

Cycle time: Length of time to decay, and

to recharge

Duty level: can it supply a steady current

for a long or short time?

Operation Limits Temperature max and min

Air flow required?

Disposability- Ease of recyclability Dangerous chemicals

Weight -think car battery!

Fuel cells

what is it?

•A) It is a reversible process

•B) It is a chemical reaction

–Results in:




Fuel types...


Boils at -252.5°C

Has poor press – Hindenburg etc.

Difficult to compress to a liquid – equally difficult to control.

Difficult to carry/store.

Highly reactive (chemically)

Ideal fuel.

Part of an “Integrated Sustainable Fuel Supply”. (ie. can be recycled)


Similar to LPG and Petrol in that it is a hydrocarbon based fuel – it

makes up 99% of Natural Gas.

Known and accepted by the public.

Needs to be treated with a “reformer” before it can be used by a FC.

Easy to transport and store.

Good fuel to use in “crossover” to FC vehicles. Currently in use on

some Bus systems.

Vile Greenhouse gas – far worse than CO or CO2 ..


Fuels similar to Methane, LPG (Vauxhall), Bio-diesel (Saab) etc

They are by-products, grown or harvested. Dung, rice, some maize crops etc.

Treated and then controlled decomposition produces the various

gases needed. NOTE: Different sources do produce variants in the gas

produced, which changes their characteristics. They are still not


current issues

•Which fuel?

•Drive train?




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