Business lecture 15: Batteries
2 types:
primary and rechargeable
Cycle number : number of times it can be
discharged and recharged
Cycle time: Length of time to decay, and
to recharge
Duty level: can it supply a steady current
for a long or short time?
Operation Limits Temperature max and min
Air flow required?
Disposability- Ease of recyclability Dangerous chemicals
Weight -think car battery!
Fuel cells
what is it?
•A) It is a reversible process
•B) It is a chemical reaction
–Results in:
Fuel types...
Boils at -252.5°C
Has poor press – Hindenburg etc.
Difficult to compress to a liquid – equally difficult to control.
Difficult to carry/store.
Highly reactive (chemically)
Ideal fuel.
Part of an “Integrated Sustainable Fuel Supply”. (ie. can be recycled)
Similar to LPG and Petrol in that it is a hydrocarbon based fuel – it
makes up 99% of Natural Gas.
Known and accepted by the public.
Needs to be treated with a “reformer” before it can be used by a FC.
Easy to transport and store.
Good fuel to use in “crossover” to FC vehicles. Currently in use on
some Bus systems.
Vile Greenhouse gas – far worse than CO or CO2 ..
Fuels similar to Methane, LPG (Vauxhall), Bio-diesel (Saab) etc
They are by-products, grown or harvested. Dung, rice, some maize crops etc.
Treated and then controlled decomposition produces the various
gases needed. NOTE: Different sources do produce variants in the gas
produced, which changes their characteristics. They are still not
current issues
•Which fuel?
•Drive train?