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Feel Good Drinks: Stop animation skills (Extra Work)

Before the workshop with Nick on stop motion I had planned to use stop motion to mock up an animation for the feel good drinks brief. I had not done stop motion before so thought this workshop would help me and I was right. It taught me that the smallest movements get the best effect and that all aspects have to be thought about.

I had an idea for this advert that I would carry on the theme of the gnomes in the previous feel good drinks advert but tailor it to the campaign I am creating again keeping it with the feel good brand.

So I story boarded it out as you can see below, but decided I wanted to create the actual mock up using stop motion drawing. I started out and it was working well once I had figured out how to make the feet move the only problem was that I had focused too much on the feet and not moved the arms. This was a big mistake however I wanted to carry on the animation further than the first scene so I can fix that at a later date. The animation is just a mock up so you can see the idea.

The gnomes are girls to appeal to the campaign of targeting 18-35 year old women and its an animation where the gnomes are being playful and swap wine for juice, the whole point of my feel good campaign, basically promoting it. I created the characters in illustrator to give a more realistic view of them...

I really like the effect it brings however I don't like stop motion in particular because it so time consuming, however the advantages of drawing was that I could go back to it and not have to set up a full stop motion studio that could not be touch or damaged ruining the whole video.

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